Dear Santa,
We have been very, very good this year. We worked very hard to feed 5,000+ hungry kids per week. We were so nice we received $221,500 dollars in public and corporate grants to support our mission to END weekend hunger. And we even ate all our vegetables!
So, Santa, in light of our position on the Nice List, we think we are perfectly justified in submitting a detailed wish list for your consideration. And if any of your elves would like to help support our mission with an in-kind donation, we would be very, very grateful.

In-Kind Donation Wish List (new or in-good-condition used items welcomed)
A recent (2018 or later) DSLR camera with both photo and video capabilities
Thick black curtains on portable racks (x4)
Photo studio lighting kit
Extension cords and surge protector/power strips
Adaptors (USB/USB-C) and charging cables (both Android and iPhone compatible)
Printer Toner Cartridges
HP 910 XL Black
HP 910 Tricolor
HP 67XL Black
HP 67XL Tricolor
Small box cutters (2)
Folding chairs (100 ct.)
Insulated Bags (10 ct.)
Rubber Broom

Video production: videography and editing
Development expertise for Adopt-a-School campaign
Thank you note writer
Event planning/production
Graphic design
Concrete repair
Love and Cookies,
The Backpack Brigade Team